Reconcile with Your Past, Heal in the Present

Move Towards a Life Worth Living

Contact Me Now


Reconcile with your past through intensive EMDR.

You have secrets and memories that you don’t even let yourself think about. I totally respect that and will hold that space with you on your terms.

I will walk with you. We can do this together.

Heal in the present with Mac Fish.

You can recover from nightmares, flashbacks, over-reacting, feeling triggered by overwhelming thoughts and emotions, addictions, etc.

Everything just changed.
…overwhelmed as you realize how much this affects you.

Your flow of life went from normal to chaos.
…uneasy about next steps to take as you move through life.

That well-meaning waitress says a word, someone walks up behind you, or you see something, and here you are triggered again.
…tired of having those same reactions to triggers.

You can’t seem to find meaning and purpose. Nothing seems safe or even real anymore.
…feels like you are stuck in your head and overwhelmed by life.

Need help finding your way? Invest in yourself and schedule your 3 to 5 full day intensive to process and heal.

Move towards a life worth living.


Is your child struggling with recovering from trauma? I look forward to working with you and them towards healing.


You are wondering how to help your teen through this devastating situation, but you can’t seem to find the words or resources that will help them. You know they need to speak with someone who will hear them and honor them. I for some reason or another have the ability to speak teen and I look forward to walking with them, encouraging them, and helping them towards healing.


You know something is off but you are not sure if a counselor is going to be able to help you. Feeling tired of being tired. Frustrated with being frustrated. Let’s get you back to living your life. Better than that, let’s get you back into the driver’s seat of your life so that you are truly living again.

Hi, I’m Mac Fish

Let’s join together as you journey towards healing and recovery.

I respect your journey. I believe you can develop what it takes to get better.

I have professional training and experience with helping people heal from emotional trauma.

Come see me and together we will start taking the steps towards a life worth living.

More About ME

How I Help People

Meaning Focused Coaching



